Craving sweets at night…

I crave sweets all the time. I’m a sugar addict. It’s the only thing I’m addicted to.  Unfortunately, it’s pervasive and hard to get away from. Being a school teacher has only made it harder to get away from….I keep a bag of starburst in my desk for the kids (that part is my own fault), there’s sweet tea on tap in the teacher’s lounge, french fries at the football games (starchy processed food = sugar, ketchup = sugar), cupcakes or donuts at staff meetings (if I weren’t gluten intolerant, I’d be double fisting)….the list goes on.

I find, though, that I especially crave sweets at night…I’ve popped open my laptop and am double checking tomorrow’s lesson plan, or I’m trying to wrap up grading…and visions of sugar plums start dancing in my head.

Other than giving in (sweet, sweet chocolate)….which I do more often than I’d like…the only thing I’ve found that fixes it is my magical cocktail. The recipe changes depending on what I have in the cupboard, but this is how I like to do it:

2-3 ounces of aloe (note on aloe below)
Up to 4 ounces of beet kvass (which you made yourself and is awesome!) (this is the most optional ingredient)
Eyedropper full of chlorophyll (this is my preferred)

Hearty splash of Apple Cider Vinegar (Bragg’s right now, but I’d like to try making it.)
Teeny squeeze of lemon or lime.
4-8 ounces of water (I just fill the jar the rest of the way.)


Like so!  Black magic!

For additional fun, drink most of it and then add a heaping tablespoon of psyllium husks….add more water as needed…drink before it congeals.


A friend of mine was studying to be a nutritionist and my brands of choice were initially strongly influenced by her (and her teacher, of course) but then I went out and tried a bunch of different things (or went looking for what she suggested, couldn’t find it, picked something else)….and then I formed my own opinions.  Which happened to be exactly what she recommended at first.  (Incidentally no brand sponsorships here, I’m not that cool – I just really like this stuff.)

Oh, Aloe.  I’ve tried like 4 million types of aloe and a lot of it was weird or gross, but George’s Aloe is perfect and tastes like water.  Half the wholefoods in the world carry it, the other half can order it…also Amazon has it for decent prices.  Here’s the cheapest right now– although I usually buy larger sizes, it doesn’t go bad.

Also, some kinds of psyllium husks make me gag so bad I can’t swallow them no matter what – it’s awful, but I was told to look for the brand with “the smiling Indian man on it” (conveniently actually called Organic India) and they really are the best.  No gagging!

Bottom’s up!  Do you have a favorite health tonic?  Have you tried anything like this before?  I’m curious to know what you think!